The LEADER funding programme supports community-led local development in rural Ireland.
LEADER is a community-led approach to local development funded through Ireland’s CAP Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027. It is financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).
It is a key intervention of Our Rural Future, the Government’s Policy for rural development launched in 2021, which aims to deliver a wide range of actions to rural communities over the lifetime of the policy.
LEADER supports projects that fall under three themes:
Theme 1: Economic Development & Job Creation
Theme 2: Rural Infrastructure & Social Inclusion
Theme 3: Sustainable Development of the Rural Environment & Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation
Private businesses or community-based groups in rural areas are eligible to apply. Rural areas are defined as all parts of Ireland outside the city boundaries of Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Limerick, and Galway. All areas outside of these boundaries are eligible.
€180 million for the period of 2023-2027.
LEADER Project Examples Ireland
The Department of Rural and Community Development (DRCD) is responsible for the implementation of the LEADER Programme. Pobal supports DRCD in the administration of a number of elements of the LEADER Programme.
Funding is delivered to 28 sub regional areas through Local Action Groups (LAGs). These groups are partnerships of public and private entities from a defined geographical area. Local action groups are responsible for local projects in accordance with the local development strategies they develop themselves.
Contact your Local Action Group directly to find out about LEADER funding available for your community.
Learn more about LEADER on the Department of Rural and Community Development's website
2023-2027 LEADER Programme: How To Apply Guide
Webinar about Alternative Funding Streams hosted by CAP Network