AMIF - Assistance, support and integration of third country national victims of trafficking in human beings

Deadline :
August 21, 2024 5:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
The available call budget is EUR 6 000 000
Partners required:
Minimum three applicants from three different participating Member States.

Funding programme

The Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) provides funding for actions in the field of asylum, legal migration and integration, return and countering irregular migration.

Call overview

This call aims at strengthening the actions of relevant stakeholders in the context of the implementation of the EU Anti-Trafficking Directive.

Call details

This call is expected to contribute to the enhanced assistance, support, protection and integration of third-country nationals victims of trafficking in human beings in order to address the challenges identified in the Commission’s Third progress report and in line with the EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021-2025. The specific objectives of the call are to:

  • Facilitate the early identification of third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings, including in the context of asylum and international protection procedures;
  • Provide appropriate assistance and support to victims of trafficking in human beings considering their specific needs14 ,their personal circumstances, such as their age and sex, and the physical and psychological consequences of the form/s of exploitation they have been subjected to;
  • With the contribution of the above, facilitate durable solutions for: - the integration of third-country national victims of trafficking, including children, in the host society that take into account the individual needs of the victims and aimed at preventing re-trafficking or - the safe and sustainable voluntary return of third-country national victims of trafficking that build upon appropriate risk assessments and prevent their re-trafficking.

Activities to be funded

  • Initiatives aimed at improving the referral of victims of trafficking for all exploitative purposes to protection, assistance and support services, taking into account the personal circumstances and specific needs of victims, notably those related to health, psychological and legal services. This may include measures to improve the functioning of national and transnational referral mechanisms, both within the EU and with non-EU countries
  • Initiatives for setting up and improving transnational multi-stakeholders and multi-disciplinary cooperation by facilitating exchanges of experiences and best practices among relevant actors, such as law enforcement, judiciary, immigration and asylum authorities, social workers, inspector services, border guards, civil society organisations and other services, or international organisations
  • Initiatives aimed at improving cross-border cooperation on victims’ cases, such as in the context of transfer of third country nationals victims to the Member State where they first arrived or safe and voluntary return of victims to their non-EU country of origin, which can be facilitated by transnational and national referral mechanisms, including relevant public authorities and civil society organisations involved in the identification, assistance and protection of trafficked victims.


In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public bodies or non-profit-making private entities)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs), excluding Denmark)  and countries associated to the AMIF or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature

Consortium composition

Proposals must be submitted by:

  • minimum three applicants(beneficiaries; not affiliated entities) from three different participating Member States.
  • the following entities can NOT apply as coordinator: profit making entities and international organisations
  • the following entities can NOT apply as beneficiaries/affiliated entities: profit making entities


Project budgets (maximum grant amount) must range between EUR 500 000 and maximum EUR 1 000 000.


Project duration

Projects must be 24 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment).

Apply now

Deadline :
August 21, 2024 5:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
The available call budget is EUR 6 000 000
Partners required:
Minimum three applicants from three different participating Member States.