Brussels time
Creative Europe is the EU’s funding programme for providing support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.
This call aims to support the cooperation among European production companies that are developing works with a strong international audience potential.
The European co-development action shall provide support to the development of a single project for commercial exploitation intended for cinema release, television broadcasting or commercial exploitation on digital platforms or a multi-platform environment in the following categories: animation, creative documentary or fiction. The project must be co-developed by at least two European independent production companies, having signed a co-development agreement specifying the division of tasks and the collaboration on creative aspects.
The aim is to provide funds to audiovisual production companies to develop works with high creative value and cultural diversity and wide cross-border exploitation potential. Companies are encouraged to develop strong and innovative collaborations at creative and financing level and to develop strategies for marketing and distribution from the outset of the development phase thus improving the potential to reach audiences at a European and international level.
Applications should present adequate strategies to ensure a more sustainable and more environmentally respectful industry and to ensure gender balance, inclusion, diversity and representativeness.
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
+ be legal entities (public or private bodies)
+ be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e Creative Europe Participating Countries:
+ be established in one of the countries participating fully in the MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe Programme and be owned directly or indirectly, wholly or by majority participation, by nationals from such countries. When a company is publicly listed, the location of the stock exchange will in principle determine its nationality
+ be independent European audiovisual production companies
+ the coordinator must be able demonstrate recent experience in producing internationally distributed works.
The maximum EU grant depends on the number of eligible beneficiaries (i.e. coordinator and partner(s), not their affiliated entities) that are part of the consortium. If the application is submitted by a consortium of two eligible beneficiaries, the maximum EU grant is EUR 120 000. For each additional eligible beneficiary, the maximum EU grant increases with EUR 60 000. However, for the co-development of drama series with an intended production budget of EUR 20 000 000 and above, the maximum EU grant for a consortium of two eligible beneficiaries is EUR 200 000, whilst it increases with EUR 100 000 per additional eligible beneficiary.
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least two applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), which complies with the following conditions:
− an eligible coordinator and at least one eligible partner (i.e. not an affiliated entity of the coordinator), established in at least two different European countries participating in the MEDIA Strand
− the coordinator and the partner(s) must have signed a co-development agreement that needs to be submitted with the application.
Projects should not normally exceed 30 months (extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment).
Brussels time