Creative Europe - Media 360

Deadline :
January 9, 2025 5:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
The available call budget is EUR 21 000 000
Partners required:

Funding programme

Creative Europe is the EU’s funding programme for providing support to the culture and audiovisual sectors.

Call overview

This call supports the creation and promotion of European content, and/or the uptake of new technologies or business models for the audiovisual sector.

Call detail

The objective of the MEDIA 360° support is to exploit synergies among existing ecosystems, to develop further cooperation  potential, to reach economies of scale across different supported activities,  create impact across the value-chain. The action shall support a package of  activities related to facilitating the creation and promotion of European  content, and/or the uptake of new technologies or business models for the  audiovisual sector.

The activities shall benefit across the value  chain (“Talent and Skills”, “Markets and Networking”, “Support to international co-productions”, “Innovative tools and business models” and  “Audience activities”) implemented by recognised European players, resilient  to change and in capacity to attract a large European and international  participation. The applicants shall be able to present a global integrated  strategy, behind the package of proposed activities, and to demonstrate their  strong added-value and structuring effect for the whole European audiovisual  industry. Initiatives will aim at reinforcing the capacity to create, produce  and promote in an agile approach, high quality European works in all formats  and for all platforms able to compete in a global market.

Activities to be funded

Projects must cover activities in at least two of the following segments:

1) Skills development. Training and mentoring activities to enhance the capacity of audiovisual professionals to adapt to new creative processes, market developments and digital technologies that affect the whole value chain. Activities may include inter alia: supporting new creative processes; harnessing digital innovation in audiovisual production and distribution, uptake of digital tools for videogames production and distribution; enhancement IP rights exploitation; green transition. Activities may take the form of physical and/or on-line provisions or, ideally, a combination of both, catering in that way for continuous skills support. At the end of the training, participants should receive a certificate, specifying the competences acquired. At least 20% of the total number of participants must be offered reduced fees. Reduced fees must be granted to participants coming from low-capacity countries Group A or Group B3 or being from an eligible country not providing scholarships for this kind of training or participants from eligible countries in any other proven situation of need for financial support.

2) Markets, B2B activities and networking Activities and networking industry events, physical, digital or hybrid, focused on business-to-business exchanges among European audiovisual professionals, facilitating coproductions and sales and showing a structuring effect on the European audiovisual eco-system as well as impact on the promotion and sales of European audiovisual works on global markets. Activities related to the following type of works are not considered as eligible: live broadcasting, music videos, non-narrative artistic works (including but not limited to art videos, experimental videos etc), commercial and promotional works (including but not limited to advertisements), reality TV and talk shows.

3) International co-production between a company based in a country participating in the Creative Europe MEDIA strand and a company based in a country not participating to the MEDIA strand. The eligible activities consist of the provision of financial support to eligible third parties for eligible projects conforming to the following criteria:

— Production of feature films, TV series, animation and documentaries (short films are not eligible).

— Distribution activities and international promotion strategies to improve the international circulation and audience of international co-productions.

4) Harnessing innovation to increase the availability, visibility and audience of European works in the digital age and/or to increase the competitiveness or the greening process of the European audiovisual industry. Eligible activities may also include activities aimed at incubating, accelerating & scaling innovation in the audiovisual and gaming ecosystems.

5) Private investment

Support workshops, seminars or tutorials that focus on the importance of financial investments, the various opportunities available, and how these can benefit audiovisual/gaming companies in the long run. These events can also provide a platform for audiovisual and gaming companies to interact with financial experts and prospective investors and share success stories of companies/content that have benefited from financial investments, thereby encouraging others to explore these opportunities.


  In order to be eligible, the applicants(beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies)
  • be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e. Creative Europe Participating Countries: EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) and non-EU countries: listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Creative Europe Programme (associated countries) or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature

Consortium composition

Applications by single applicants are allowed (single beneficiaries; affiliated entities are allowed, if needed), as well as proposals submitted by a consortium of at least 2 applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities)


No limit. The grant awarded may be lower than the amount requested.

Project duration

Projects should not normally exceed 36 months(extensions are possible, if duly justified and through an amendment).

Apply now

Deadline :
January 9, 2025 5:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
The available call budget is EUR 21 000 000
Partners required: