ERASMUS+ - Accredited projects for youth mobility

Deadline :
February 12, 2025 12:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
There is no set amount of funding. It is decided by the quality of the project planned, and the amount of funding available.
Partners required:
Mobility consortium members must include at least one member organisation in addition to the coordinator.

Funding programme

Erasmus+ is the EU funding programme for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2021-2027.

Call overview

This action supports organisations to carry out learning mobility activities in the field of youth. Applicant organisations must hold a valid Erasmus Youth Accreditation.

Call details

Erasmus accreditations are a tool for organisations that want to open up to cross-border exchange and cooperation, foster youth participation and support capacity building of youth workers and youth work organisations through learning mobility activities. The Erasmus Youth accreditation facilitates youth learning mobility by providing accredited organisations with a simplified and flexible alternative format for implementing activities.

In the field of youth, the Erasmus accreditation aims to:  

  • Strengthen personal and professional development of young people through non-formal and informal learning mobility activities;
  • Foster the empowerment of young people, their active citizenship and participation in democratic life;
  • Foster quality development of youth work at local, regional, national, European and international level by building capacity of organisations active in the youth field and supporting the educational and professional development of youth workers;  
  • Promote inclusion and diversity, intercultural dialogue, European cooperation and the values of solidarity, equal opportunities and human rights among young people in Europe.

Activities to be funded under this topic:

  • Youth Exchanges
  • Youth workers professional development activities

Additionally, the following activities can be implemented:

  • Preparatory visits
  • System development and outreach activities (only in conjunction with youth workers professional development activities)


Organisations holding a valid Erasmus Youth accreditation at the application deadline.


The quality of the applicant’s Erasmus Plan has been assessed at the accreditation application stage and therefore no qualitative assessment will take place at budget allocation stage. Any eligible grant application will receive funding.  

The awarded grant amount will depend on a number of elements:  

  • the total budget available for allocation to accredited applicants
  • the requested activities
  • the basic and maximum grant
  • the following allocation criteria: financial performance, qualitative performance, policy priorities, and geographical balance (if applied by the National Agency)  

Project duration

All accredited projects will have an initial duration of 15 months. After 12 months, all beneficiaries will have the possibility to prolong their project to a total duration of 24 months.

Apply now

Deadline :
February 12, 2025 12:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
There is no set amount of funding. It is decided by the quality of the project planned, and the amount of funding available.
Partners required:
Mobility consortium members must include at least one member organisation in addition to the coordinator.