Brussels time
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) aims to support member states and regions to improve employment and education opportunities, to enhance social inclusion and to tackle poverty.
This call for proposals aims to set up 4-year framework partnership agreements with EU-level networks and organisations to support networking at Union level and dialogue with and among relevant stakeholders in the policy areas of employment and social inclusion.
The Employment and Social Innovation ("EaSI") strand of the ESF+ provides funding to achieve high employment levels, fair social protection, a skilled and resilient workforce ready for the future world of work, inclusive and cohesive societies and the eradication of poverty.
In line with the operational objectives of the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) strand, this call will support networking at Union level and dialogue with and among relevant stakeholders in the policy areas of employment and social inclusion and build up the institutional capacity of these stakeholders.
This call for proposals aims to set up 4-year framework partnership agreements with EU-level networks and organisations whose activities contribute to the implementation of the programme's objectives in the following areas: policy advice and support, analytical activities, training and capacity building, mutual learning and exchange of good practices, awareness raising, information, communication and dissemination with EU added value.
Read more in the call document.
Framework partnership agreements (FPAs) are long-term cooperation instruments that serve as umbrella for regular or recurrent grants in the same field or area, and under a common action plan (or work programme of activities). They are a prerequisite for being able to apply for these grants, but do not create any legitimate expectations or entitlement to get them. FPA beneficiaries are identified on the basis of a standard evaluation and award procedure and then invited to submit their proposals for grants (restricted calls; addressed directly to the framework partners). Please note that for the first year, the FPA and SGA applications are submitted in parallel due to time constraints.
You must first complete the FPA application and then use the FPA application number in the SGA application. Specific grant agreements (SGAs) can only be signed if the FPA has been signed, and only until the FPA expires (i.e. before the FPA end date).
Promote social inclusion and combating poverty by providing financial support to EU-level networks of civil society organisations active in this area at local, regional, national and transnational level. It will thereby contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights and its implementing documents, ensuring just transitions, protecting livelihoods, boosting employment, reducing poverty and inequalities and creating opportunities for all.
The expected results are:
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
− be legal entities (public or private bodies)
− be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
− be non-governmental, non-profit-making, and independent of industry, commercial and business or other conflicting interests;
− have statutory aims falling under the objectives and scope of the priorities of this call for proposals;
− have national member organisations in at least fourteen (14) Member States of the European Union;
− have members that are mainly non-profit organisations;
− be mandated by their members, through a Management Board or other administrative forum, to represent these members at the EU level and to be responsible for the activities of the network.
The applicant must be a single applicant; in case of networks only the network or the organisation appointed as the joint secretariat/officially appointed coordinator may submit an application; the member organisations are not eligible to apply.
The total indicative budget earmarked for grants under these framework partnerships is EUR 51 500 000 for the four-year period.
Project budget:
The budgets of annual operating grants are expected to range indicatively between EUR 100.000 and EUR 1.250.000 per work programme. Applicants must provide a 4-year outline plan and budget for the period 2026-2029.
The framework partnership agreements will have a duration of four years.
Brussels time