Brussels time
EU4Health is the EU’s funding programme to deliver on EU health policy and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This call aims to support the organisation of not-for-profit, EU-wide high-level science-policy-society events.
The work programme will support the organisation of conference and events which will meet the objectives of Regulation (EU) 2021/522 during 2023, 2024 or both and contribute to the implementation of legislative and non-legislative initiatives of the Union through actions described in the annual work programmes.
The action will support the promotion and development of the European Health Union policies such as the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, the Global Health strategy, the upcoming health initiatives such as the Mental Health Communication, and the implementation of Union health legislation.
Read more in the call document
The action will support the EU4Health Programme’s general objectives of improving and fostering health in the Union (Article 3, points (a) to (d) of Regulation (EU) 2021/522) through the specific objectives defined in Article 4, points (a) to (j), of Regulation (EU) 2021/522.
The objective of this action is to support the organisation of not-for-profit, EU-wide high-level science-policy-society events that bring together all interested parties such as citizens, patients, practitioners, academics and scientists, policy makers from local, regional, and EU level.
The events will promote and contribute to the development and implementation of the European Health Union touching in a comprehensive way the most salient health issues and EU health priorities.
The proposals should include at least one of following activities:
a) effective mobilisation of a broad audience with participation of policy makers (EU, national, regional and where necessary global levels), academia, industry, civil society including patients’ organisations and other relevant representative);
b) provide a platform for a sounding board to explain Eu health initiatives and health societal challenges;
c) sustainable outreach activities beyond the event with multiplier effect including on social media;
d) facilitate high-level policy dialogues attracting relevant health actors from different relevant sectors;
e) the use of innovative approaches in running the event are a plus.
Priority will be given to proposals covering several of the above activities.
Read more in the call document
This action will involve public or non-profit making entities, well established, credible and with expertise on organising events in public health domain topics.
Applicants must clearly describe the expected number and profile/function of target participants in the event, referring to distribution by Member States or third countries associated to the EU4Health programme, organisation, and type of expertise.
The action will deliver at least three different high-level events that will promote and contribute to the development and implementation of the European Health Union. The high-level events may be part of the same conference.
Public or non-profit entities with expertise on organising events in public health domain.
Applications may be either by a single applicant or a consortium (no minimum requirement).
In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:
+ be legal entities (public or private bodies)
+ be established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.:
EUR 150 000
Projects should normally be maximum 12 months and will be organised in 2024 and/or 2025. The duration of the event is up to 5 calendar days.
Brussels time