Interreg North-West Europe - Call 5

Deadline :
January 16, 2025 12:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
EURO 287 million
Partners required:
At least three partners from three different countries of which two need to be from within the NWE Programme area.‍

Funding programme

The Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) Programme fosters transnational cooperation to make Northwestern Europe a key economic player and an attractive place to work and live, with high levels of innovation, sustainability and cohesion.

Call overview

This call aims to support public, scientific, private, and civil society organisations to cooperate with a view to promote a green, smart and just transition for all NWE territories.

Call detail

This call covers all nine specific objectives addressed by the Programme and follows a two-step process.

In step 1 applicants will focus on the project need and justification, its objective, the added value of the proposed approach and the relevance of the partnership. All projects which successfully pass step 1 will be invited to submit a more detailed application, including a complete work plan and budget.

The Programme is looking for transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area. Over the lifetime of the Programme, €287 million of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) will be allocated to projects.

Thematic priorities

To deliver its aim, the Programme has identified five thematic priorities, each of which is sub-divided into Specific Objectives (SO). These priorities and Specific Objectives are:

  • Priority 1 - Smart climate and environmental resilience for NWE territories
  • Priority 2 – Smart and just energy transition for NWE territories
  • Priority 3 - Transition towards a place-based circular economy
  • Priority 4 – Improving territorial resilience in NWE through innovative and smart transformation
  • Priority 5 –Transition towards a socially inclusive and resilient society

The current call for proposals is open to all five thematic priorities. Transnational partnerships are invited to submit their project application under one priority, and within this chosen priority, under one Specific Objective.

Read more about the priorities in the Terms of Reference.


The Programme targets all or parts of seven participating countries, including six EU Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) and the non-EU Member State Switzerland.

Partner consortium

A wide range of public and private (non-profit and profit making) organisations are welcomed to take part in NWE project partnerships including national, regional and local authorities (or EGTC’s, or public equivalent organisations), universities, R&D centres, enterprises, SMEs and business support organisations, sectoral associations, NGOs, lobby organisations and citizens groups.

Projects should bring together at least three partners from three different countries of which two need to be from within the NWE Programme area.


Over the lifetime of the Programme, EURO 287 million of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) will be allocated to projects.

All projects need to have a partner contribution (provide match-funding). The maximum ERDF grant rate for partners is 60% of the total project budget. The partnership needs to contribute the remaining 40%.

Apply now

Deadline :
January 16, 2025 12:00 PM

Brussels time

Project Duration:
Funding available:
EURO 287 million
Partners required:
At least three partners from three different countries of which two need to be from within the NWE Programme area.‍