All Together In Dignity (ATD) Ireland

ATD Ireland collaborates with people experiencing persistent poverty to build a more just and inclusive society. Grounded in dignity, non-discrimination, and inclusion, we support those affected by poverty to engage in national and international advocacy. We create safe spaces for peer support, fostering solidarity and meaningful connections. Creative expression is a key tool in our work, helping to amplify voices, strengthen advocacy, and promote empowerment.





Type of organisation:

NGO/ community-based organisation/ charity


  • Addiction
  • Anti-discrimination
  • Arts and Culture
  • Education and training
  • Employment and job creation
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Human Rights
  • Immigration, refugee and asylum seeker supports
  • Social inclusion
  • Sustainable development
  • Volunteering
  • Young people / youth work
  • Active citizenship


  • Development of education and training materials and programmes
  • Digitalization
  • European learning networks and exchanges
  • Community outreach and engagement
  • Policy, advocacy and campaigns
  • Research

EU Project Experience

Some experience

In 2016- 2017, ATD took part in a co-funded project by the EU Programme “Europe for Citizens” called  “Our Voices”. The four partners aimed to enhance the participation of people living in social exclusion and to develop with them effective proposals to build a more inclusive Europe for all. The relevance of the project related to the increasing gap between the European Union institutions and many people across Europe, especially those living in poverty.

In 2019, ATD Ireland was funded by Communicating Europe. The project ‘Europe Matters’ was designed to raise awareness about the current dialogue on the future of Europe in deprived communities, and to highlight the opportunity to become an active European citizen in the European Elections of June 2019. The project consisted of a number of public meetings with members of deprived communities within Dublin’s North Inner City and Ballymun. During these meetings, questions were asked as to the importance of European Institutions, and how the European Parliament and other key European Institutions operate.

EU Funding Goals

Support us in having an ever-deeper engagement with people living in persistent poverty in which, together, relationships of mutual respect and trust are built; knowledge, experience and learning are shared; and commitments and actions to tackle poverty and social exclusion are jointly agreed and carried out.

We would like to build new partnerships with community groups, civil society organisations, anti-poverty networks, institutions and public bodies which share our aim for the eradication of persistent poverty through challenging perceptions and the public narrative on poverty, advocating for positive policy changes, and building together a better society for all.

We would like to continue to develop the involvement of young people in ATD’s community life and work in line with The European Solidarity Corps aims.


Our work focuses on the need to learn from the experience, expertise and knowledge of people affected by persistent poverty.

Our projects, such as a poverty awareness training with social workers, are led by those with lived experiences of poverty who are key in developing and facilitating the module and its content.

We bring the voices of people with lived experience of poverty to decision-making tables through supporting them to attend advocacy events and speak to those in power directly or through meeting people where they are at through home visits and interviews.

We work to undertake our actions in a participatory way and promote diverse modes of inclusion, such as utilising creative methods to ensure all can have their voice heard.

See Creative Pathways to Participation and Leave No One Behind Series 4

ATD Ireland are part of an alliance called #addthe10th. The purpose of this group is to have socio- economic status recognised as the tenth ground of discrimination in Irish equality legislation, namely the Equal Status Act and the Employment Equality Act.


Contact Name:

Dann Kenningham

Job Title:

National Coordinator

Email Address:
Get in contact now
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