Ballyshannon Action Group

Ballyshannon Action Group aims to protect our rural area from unsuitable development. We work to protect our biodiversity to improve and conserve our rural way of life. We aim to promote awareness of biodiversity in the area on our social media channels. We have also celebrated our heritage and history with local events and walks. We have organised community clean up day and completed a Community Biodiversity Action Plan which we are not enacting.


Kildare, Ireland



Type of organisation:

NGO/ community-based organisation/ charity


  • Environment
  • Rural development
  • Social inclusion


  • Community outreach and engagement
  • Cultural and artistic innovation
  • Policy, advocacy and campaigns

EU Project Experience

No experience yet.

EU Funding Goals

We'd like to improve the biodiversity in the area, with education projects, planting projects and improved infrastructure projects.

In two years we'd like to complete over half of the 71 biodiversity enhancement actions.

By year 5 we'd like to complete all of the tasks. Throughout this we'd like to continue education around the importance of biodiversity .


An excellent network of volunteers, we have a range of expertise, in botany, risk management, building, marketing and journalism.


Contact Name:

Sarah Burke

Job Title:

Commitee Member

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