- Education and training
- Active citizenship
- Environment
- Sustainable development
- Community outreach and engagement
- Development of education and training materials and programmes
- Technological innovation
We are part of the Global Action Plan International - a global network of organisations in over 27 countries working together to achieve our mission. In responding to environmental challenges and working to achieve our vision of creating sustainable communities, we deliver programmes in environmental education and climate action, global citizenship, the Sustainable Development Goals and community led action. We have three main programmes and these are managed and delivered by a national team of expert facilitators. These are:-Primary and Secondary Schools-Community and Youth-Corporate and BusinessGAP’s programmes are designed to promote social inclusiveness where we ensure that those who are most disadvantaged have access to the programmes we deliver and are relative to their current situation or context.
EU Project Experience
Some experience
We are currently working on two Erasmus+ Strategic partnership programmes. One as a lead and one as a partner. We also have an active mobility programme for adult education. In addition to being part of the GAP international network, we have connections with a large number of european organisations who we collaborate with on european applications.
EU Funding Goals
Development of scalable environmental education programmes. Leveraging the reach of technology to support behavioural change. Learn and integrate new approaches to behavioural change for climate action and sustainability from partners.
Strong capacity and experience in designing and implementing environmental education and Global Citizenship Education programmes for schools, businesses and community groups. Expertise in implementing technology based solutions for education. Strong skill set in programming for the formal and informal education sector. Designing quality monitoring and evaluation programmes. Connection through the GAP international network to other european partners.