- Education and training
- Social inclusion
- Sustainable development
- Unemployment
- Employment and job creation
- Research
- Policy, advocacy and campaigns
- Community outreach and engagement
- Development of education and training materials and programmes
- European learning networks and exchanges
- Governance
- Digitalization
MEAG provides a range of development services including:
- Projects that promote, encourage and support new and existing entrepreneurs, rural enterprise and social/community enterprise
- Tailored innovative enterprise including incubation, training, feasibility studies and research assistance, mentoring, business and financial planning and access to finance through a guarantee loan fund
- Support for incubation and enterprise space development, including animation of the development process and technical support in incubation project delivery
- Support to partner intermediaries through assistance with strategy/action planning, project development and service delivery at regional, national and international levels
- Sponsorship and support for the development and vocational education and training of individuals through various activation schemes
EU Project Experience
Substantial experience
Very experienced in Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic partnerships as a Project Developer, Project Manager (lead partner) and as ordinary partner.
For an overview of our Erasmus+ projects see here:
EU Funding Goals
MEAG is experienced in Erasmus+. We are interested in learning and experiencing other project opportunities.
Virtual/online training and tools which add value to our core activities.
MEAG has a successful track record engaging in projects that address needs in the community, with a particular focus on enterprise and employment.
One of MEAG’s major strengths is its networks and effective partnerships at regional, national and international levels, and is a member of NACEC (The National Association of Community Enterprise Centres) who represent over 120 enterprise centres in Ireland, providing a conduit to Start-ups and SME’s in all sectors, all over Ireland. MEAG has extensive experience in projects in the field of adult education and VET supported through ERASMUS+, providing intergenerational learning.