Please describe in more detail the type of your organisation
e.g. 2014
Which of the following topics are the focus of your work? Select as many as apply.
Which of the following EU project activities are you interested in? Select as many as apply.
Please provide a brief description of your organisation (max. 300 words/ 1250 characters) - What does your organisation do? What problem is it solving?- What kinds of solutions do you offer? E.g. supports, services, initiatives- What impact does your work have? E.g. how many people do you reach every year? What are some landmark achievements? Is there any evidence of the change your organisations makes?Hint: This is a really good way to present your organisation in grant applications too!
Feel free to provide a short description of your experience, including which EU programmesyou have worked on.
What would you like to learn from your new European partnerships? What skills and competencies would you like to develop?
What are you really good at? What can others learn from you and what do you have to offerin an EU funded project? E.g. a access to a specific group, expertise in a specific area,organisational capacity, a great network of volunteers... anything that could add value to aproject!
Please note that this information will be published online in the partner portal on, so that European organisations can easily reach out to you.
Please confirm that we are allowed to share the above information publicly online on thewebsite for everyone to see.